Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast
Episode 34- Candyman (1992)

EMTs, do us a favor. Plop yourself in front of a mirror and repeat five times: "Werewolf Ambulance.... Werewolf Ambulance..." and wait for us to show up because we are talking about the 1992 thriller "Candyman" this week! Special topics for your consideration include: Tom Savini Thigh Watch 2k15 (please use the hashtag #saviniwatch2k15), smoking, the return of bugs in toilets, more smoking, an unexpected appearance from Benjamin Franklin, big projects in academia, Bloody Mary vs. the Pig Woman, BEES, and finally more smoking. Ohh, delicious smoking. 

Hey, a special thanks to Fright Hype/Crypt TV for the shoutout on their episode. Check them out at facebook.com/CryptTV.

You can find us on the internet too-- facebook.com/werewolfambulance, Twitter @werebulance and Instagram @werewolfambulance. Let us know what you thought about this film and as always, please send us your recommendations...we love to hear from you guys!

Direct download: 35_Episode_34__Candyman_1992.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST