Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast

In this week's episode, we're tackling a bit of a head-scratcher: the 2020 film "The Empty Man." Come along with us on this journey-- special topics for your consideration include: peeing in the pool, white people doing international travel, emo teens, Stephen Root, Big Boi, landlines, and a recurring joke that is just a bit empty, man.

We reference the film "Kill List" in this episode quite a bit; you can hear us discuss that all the way back in Episode 19. Also, I just googled "cerebral horror" just to see what movies we've covered, and we'd done nearly all of the top 10. Somehow--somehow! "Cube" was on that list so I'm gonna go ahead and recommend that. It's Episode 166. 

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Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie
Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT"
Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down.

Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast.  

Direct download: Episode_357_-_The_Empty_Man_2020.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST