Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast
Episode 84- Demons (1985)

This week we're back to the Italian super-weird horror films of a few decades ago with the 1985 Lamberto Bava film, "Demons." Special topics of the week include: Allen losing his mind (as he predicted, in all fairness), the peak era of dirt bikes, plenty of sound effects, appropriate times to eat a stromboli, the hero of this film 'Zhorzge', crazy effects and of course, movie punks.  

Have you seen this one? How do you feel about it? Where does it fall for you on the spectrum of Italian horror films? You can let us know what you think at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us at werewolfambulance@gmail.com to be featured on a future episode's "Mailbag!" segment. 

Please also check out this week's sponsors: Cryptocurium and their rad Parcel of Terror monthly subscription box at cryptocurium.com and Seventh Church Ministries' amazing zines of creepy art at seventhchurchministries.wordpress.com. Let them know you found them through us so they'll keep giving us money in perpetuity, okay guys?

If you have a moment, could you please also leave us a rating/review on iTunes? It really helps other people find us and new listeners make us so happy. Thanks to all of you for all of your continued support--it truly means so much to us. 

Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. 

Direct download: Episode_84__Demons_1985.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST