Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast
Episode 85- House on Haunted Hill (1999)

This week we're joined by our friend Ross to discuss his pick, the 1999 remake of "House on Haunted Hill." Special topics we'd like you to consider include: the misnomer of calling the setting a house, poor man's versions of other actors, the wonderful 90s combination of Lisa Loeb, Marilyn Manson and Sonya Blade, looking for trouble in the basement, questionable Academy Awards, tax implications and CHRIS KATTAN. 

Have you seen this one? Do you have any fondness for it? Let us know at facebook.com/werewolfambulance, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. 

Please also check out this week's sponsors: Cryptocurium and their rad Parcel of Terror monthly subscription box at cryptocurium.com and Seventh Church Ministries' amazing zines of creepy art at seventhchurchministries.wordpress.com. Let them know you found them through us so they'll keep giving us money as long as we both shall live, okay guys?

If you have a moment, could you please also leave us a rating/review on iTunes? It really helps other people find us and new listeners make us so happy. Thanks to all of you for all of your continued support--it truly means so much to us. 

Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. 

Direct download: 86_Episode_85_-_House_on_Haunted_Hill_1999.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST