Mon, 14 December 2020
*URGENT ALERT* In this week's episode, we get pretty lewd and we're sorry about it. In general, we hope you don't listen to our episodes with kids around but this one reeeaaally takes the cake. What can we say, we got punchy! We're discussing a 2019 film that stars everyone's favorite straight edge former pro wrestler, CM Punk, "Girl on the Third Floor." Special topics for your consideration include: the perils of being a generally non-confrontational person, having nebby neighbors who don't actually give you any helpful information, financial advisor tattoos, a very very drippy bodily fluid that we cannot seem to stop talking about, and thinking about ghost sex? Maybe just don't. Love watching professional wrestlers act in horror movies? You've got Jesse "The Body" Ventura in Episode 80- "Predator" and Skywalker Nitron (aka Tyler Mane) in Episode 301- "Halloween" (kind of an obscure wrestler, but he was the only-ever champion of the Universal Wrestling Federation in the mid 1990s, so it counts!) We've also discussed one of the few WWE-produced films to not feature a superstar, Episode 16- "Oculus." Find us online: If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. Someday we're gonna be #1 in Finland. Some sweet day. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast.
Direct download: Episode_311_-_Girl_on_the_Third_Floor_2019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST |