Mon, 28 August 2023
Hi EMTs, Katie here. I had a rough week and was not able to record, so Allen and I decided to re-release one of our all-time favorite episodes: the absolutely wackadoo Nic Cage remake of "The Wicker Man." We hope you enjoy it and we'll be back next week with "Slenderman," we promise.
Mon, 21 August 2023
In this week's episode, we're discussing the intersection of media commentary and tummy vaginas with the 1983 David Cronenberg cult classic "Videodrome." Special topics for your consideration include: DEBBIE HARRY!, making it a pee-pee (whatever it may be), sexy ear piercing, physics-defying Betamax, the prophecies of Mr. Cronenberg and the strangest of trade shows. We've covered a few of Cronenberg's films in the past: Episode 88- "Shivers," Episode 103- "The Fly," and Episode 177- "The Brood." We've also gushed over Debbie Harry once before: Episode 132- "Tales from the Darkside." The regular lineup of links! You can support us at and get years' worth of action film commentary-- this month we are doing something special, just for us. leave us a message at 412-407-7025 hang out with some cool listeners at buy merch at we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance on Twitter @werebulance on Instagram @werewolfambulance. if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at because we are probably not gonna see that, ever. If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT" Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down. |
Mon, 14 August 2023
Hi EMTs! I (Katie) am on vacation so I'm not doing any stinkin' write up for this movie. Enjoy the episode! The regular lineup of links! leave us a message at 412-407-7025 hang out with some cool listeners at buy merch at we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance on Twitter @werebulance on Instagram @werewolfambulance. if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at because we are probably not gonna see that, ever. If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT" Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down.
Direct download: Episode_441_-_The_Autopsy_of_Jane_Doe_2016.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 7 August 2023
In this week's episode, we're talking about the very creepy and very emotional 2022 slasher "Pearl." Special topics for your consideration include: the ease of making major life decisions, some more terrible life advice from your pals here at Werewolf Ambulance, baby Brendan Fraser, misunderstood biology, and a veritable smorgasbord of things we like: familial drama! scarecrows! dry humping! dance numbers! maggot pigs! Truly everything we could want. This is it, we have decided that we are all in on Ti West. You can catch his other work with the film that spawned this prequel, "X" (Episode 396), along with Episode 172- "House of the Devil" and one segment in Episode 436- "V/H/S." Also I would have bet my life that we had already covered "The Innkeepers" but... apparently not. The regular lineup of links! leave us a message at 412-407-7025 hang out with some cool listeners at buy merch at we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance on Twitter @werebulance on Instagram @werewolfambulance. if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at because we are probably not gonna see that, ever. If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT" Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down. |