Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast

In this week's episode, we're determined to make jokes out of a very sad movie about a Vietnam veteran because somehow that is a job that a person can have! Special topics for your consideration include: a very "X-Files" era, the repeated deaths of Macauley Culkin, hunky television actors, being the guy hanging out with the girls who catcall the postman, angels/demons/whatever, and advice that *might* actually be right for a change! 

War is horrific and has thus inspired some really great and some  really terrible horror movies. You may or may not enjoy Episode 93- "Ravenous," Episode 187- "Dog Soldiers," and Episode 223- "Curse of the Cannibal Confederates." 

The regular lineup of links!
You can support us at patreon.com/werewolfambulance and get years' worth of action film commentary-- it's a ladies-kicking-ass month with "Mad Max: Fury Road!"

leave us a message at 412-407-7025
hang out with some cool listeners at https://discord.gg/DutFjx3cBD 
buy merch at www.teepublic.com/user/werewolfambulance
we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance
on Twitter @werebulance
on Instagram @werewolfambulance.
if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at facebook.com/werewolfambulance because we are probably not gonna see that, ever.
If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow.
Direct download: Episode_446_-_Jacobs_Ladder_1990.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

In this week's episode, we're spending all our mental efforts trying to suss out the meaning of yet another Dario Argento film with 1987's "Opera." Do we figure it out? OF COURSE NOT. Special topics for your consideration include: more dream logic, letting birds solve a crime, getting fed up with being murdered, finding new ways into the dating scene, and DANIELE SOAVE!

We love Dario Argento, I think? Perhaps for different reasons though. You can hear us discuss his work in Episode 23- "Suspiria," Episode 84- "Demons," Episode 185- "Deep Red," Episode 306- "Tenebrae," Episode 325- "The Bird with the Crystal Plumage," and Episode 369- "Phenomena."

The regular lineup of links!
You can support us at patreon.com/werewolfambulance and get years' worth of action film commentary-- it's a ladies-kicking-ass month with "Mad Max: Fury Road!"

leave us a message at 412-407-7025
hang out with some cool listeners at https://discord.gg/DutFjx3cBD 
buy merch at www.teepublic.com/user/werewolfambulance
we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance
on Twitter @werebulance
on Instagram @werewolfambulance.
if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at facebook.com/werewolfambulance because we are probably not gonna see that, ever.
If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow.
Direct download: Episode_445_-_Opera_1987.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST

Look, I know that I have said it so often on this show that it has lost all meaning (did it ever have meaning?) but this week, it's a spi-cy meeeat-a-baaaaall! Holy ghost, literally. We are tackling the 2023 Russell-Crowe-as-an-Italian film "The Pope's Exorcist." Special topics for your consideration include: Crappy teens, possessed kids who just aren't Regan (can they even tap dance?!), Italian doctors living and working in Spain, the absolution of all the Catholic Church's sins, an extremely sexy pope, and a reminder that in most international settings, Americans are the worst.

Exorcisms are a mainstay in horror, and horror is a mainstay in us. Check out Episode 90- "Amityville II: The Possession," Episode 155- "The Exorcist," Episode 216- "The Devil Inside Her" in which there is an exorcism of an extremely strong baby, my god what a fantastic film, and Episode 367- "The Last Exorcism." 

The regular lineup of links!
You can support us at patreon.com/werewolfambulance and get years' worth of action film commentary-- get in now, just in time to vote on this month's episode!

leave us a message at 412-407-7025
hang out with some cool listeners at https://discord.gg/DutFjx3cBD 
buy merch at www.teepublic.com/user/werewolfambulance
we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance
on Twitter @werebulance
on Instagram @werewolfambulance.
if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at facebook.com/werewolfambulance because we are probably not gonna see that, ever.
If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow.
Direct download: Episode_444_-_The_Popes_Exorcist_2023.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:23am EST

In this week's episode, we're pretending that we know our way around the internet with the 2018 creepypasta-inspired film "Slender Man." It's a doozy. Special topics for your consideration include: a reconsidering of Jamiroquai, allowing middle-aged men to write teenage girl characters despite not now nor ever having been one, worrying about Abercrombie Tom's plotline, and the real question...does Slenderman have a weiner? DOES HE?

It turns out that several feature films have been made based on creepypasta but this is our first. We did reference both "Bye Bye Man" and "Empty Man" in this episode, so go listen to those if you'd like-- Episodes 324 and 357 respectively.

The regular lineup of links!
You can support us at patreon.com/werewolfambulance and get years' worth of action film commentary-- we just released an episode on "Pee Wee's Big Adventure," a film that means a lot to both of us. 

leave us a message at 412-407-7025
hang out with some cool listeners at https://discord.gg/DutFjx3cBD 
buy merch at www.teepublic.com/user/werewolfambulance
we're on Reddit at r/werewolfambulance
on Twitter @werebulance
on Instagram @werewolfambulance.
if you feel you really must lodge a complaint with us, please do it on Facebook at facebook.com/werewolfambulance because we are probably not gonna see that, ever.
If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow.
Direct download: Episode_443_-_Slenderman_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST