Mon, 30 August 2021
We weren't able to record this week, so we're giving you a sneak peek into the Patreon files-- this week's episode is "The Terminator" from 1984. It's kind of a horror movie crossover anyway! This grittier, less blockbuster-y first film in the franchise is pretty dark and we had a great time breaking it down for our Patreon audience. We'll getcha some new episodes on the main feed as soon as we're able. Find us online: Buy merch for yourself or those you love at |
Mon, 23 August 2021
In this week's episode, we are bidding farewell to the "Fear Street" trilogy with the third entry into the series, "1666." Special topics for your consideration include: ye olde horny teens, not faring well in a small town...or an old timey town...or anywhere really, the "Hell House LLC" effect on the third film in a three-part franchise, unforgiving pants, more 90s music, and we're finally taking a stand against our Puritan listenership. I am actually really sad to wrap up this series! You can hear our discussions of the first two films with Episodes 342 and 344. And, just because we talk about them all the time, go listen to our "Hell House LLC" episodes (254, 256, and 258). Find us online: Buy merch for yourself or those you love at If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast.
Direct download: Episode_346_-_Fear_Street_Part_3_16662021.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 16 August 2021
In this week's episode, we're covering the remake of the film we both loved-- the 2011 version of "Fright Night." Special topics for your consideration include: objectification sweatpants, an amazing cast of people that we are basically obsessed with (besides Colin Farrell, sorry I guess), more questions about vampires, a criminal underutilization of Chris Sarandon, and a new Wario revealed. Did you miss us talking about the original film? It's Episode 22. Do you love Chris Sarandon, who is barely in this film? Of course you do. Check him out in Episode 146- "The Sentinel" and Episode 231- "Child's Play." Do you love Toni Collette? OF COURSE YOU DO! Check her out in Episode 61- "Krampus," Episode 157- "The Sixth Sense," Episode 220- "Velvet Buzzsaw," Episode 224- "Hereditary" and Episode 299- "I'm Thinking of Ending Things." Find us online: If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. |
Mon, 9 August 2021
In this week's episode, we're back to the Netflix original "Fear Street" series with the second entry in the series: 1978. A very good year! Special topics for your consideration include: probably incorrect opinions on witches, beets and asparagus talk, looking like a postgrad, glowering teens, bullying teens, surly teens, confusing teens, horny teens, and otherwise generally shitty teens. Did you miss our discussion on the first "Fear Street" film? It's Episode 342. Into summer camp horror films? You could do worse than Episode 141- "Friday the 13th" and Episode 182- "Final Girls." Find us online: If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast.
Mon, 2 August 2021
This week, in a shocking twist, we discover that there is a heavy metal horror movie from the year of our lord 1988 that ALLEN HAS NOT SEEN. How can this be? Regardless, we're remedying the situation by watching and discussing "Black Roses," available on Shudder. Special topics for your consideration include: shitty 80s moms and dads, really pushing the limits of how old an actor can be and still play a teen, kicking off a worldwide tour with four nights at the Mill Basin High School auditorium, a question not of whether there are tits but in fact whose tits they are, and demon nards. Heavy metal horror: it's a thing! I'm lumping a lot of stuff into this category, so please enjoy Episode 13- "Phantom of the Paradise," Episode 38- "The Gate," Episode 175- "House of 1000 Corpses," Episode 176- "Strangeland,"Episode 199- "Terrorvision," Episode 200- "Trick or Treat," and Episode 242- "A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors." Find us online: If you liked this, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen! It helps others find us and allows us to continue to grow. Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. |