Werewolf Ambulance: A Horror Movie Comedy Podcast

Don't think it, don't say it, and frankly don't watch it. This might be the film that finally broke us-- it's the 2017 supernatural and inexplicable horror film "The Bye Bye Man." Special topics for your consideration include: things Carrie Ann Moss would rather be doing, things girls love (ransom note poetry, mostly), tiny doors, bad ideas, confusing nightstands and the ultimate challenge (paying any type of sustained attention to this film). 

Here is a list of previous episodes and you can guess what they have in common! Episode 74- "Pay the Ghost," Episode 96- "The Conjuring," Episode 134- "#Horror" and Episode 181- "Tusk." (answer: films of the 2010s that we really hated!)

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Intro song is by Alex Van Luvie
Outro song is A. Wallis- "EMT"
Seriously, we have the best listeners, hands down.

Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast. 

Direct download: Episode_324_-_The_Bye-Bye_Man_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST